Justin nominerad till MTV Music Awards

Jaden, Justin och Alfredo Flores.

Justin är nominerad till 4 MTV Music Awards!

- Best fans forum
- Best music hashtag meme: #BustinJieber
- Fan Army: Beliebers
- Favorite animated GIF

Lycka till Justin!

Kids Choice Award

Jaden när han tog emot sitt pris för favorit film: Karate Kid.

Vinnarna av KCA:
Favorite Movie: The Karate Kid
Favorite TV Show: iCarly
Favorite Movie Actor: Johnny Depp
Favorite Movie Actress: Miley Cyrus
Favorite TV Actor: Dylan Sprouse
Favorite TV Actress: Selena Gomez
Favorite Animated Movie: Despicable Me
Favorite Voice From an Animated Movie: Eddie Murphy
Favorite Butt Kicker: Jackie Chan, The Karate Kid!!!!!!
Favorite Song: "Baby" by Justin Bieber
Favorite Male Singer: Justin Bieber
Favorite Female Singer: Katy Perry
Favorite Music Group: Black Eyed Peas
Favorite Cartoon: Spongebob Squarepants
Favorite Book: Diary of a Wimpy Kid series
Favorite Video Game: Just Dance 2
Favorite Male Athlete: Shaquille O'Neal
Favorite Female Athlete: Lindsey Vonn
Funniest TV Sidekick: Jennette McCurdy

Som ni ser så vann både Justin och Jaden, men Justin kunde tyvärr inte vara där för han var på sin världturne.

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